Ben Pizarro
Drums and Percussion
About Ben
BIO Coming Soon!
Fun Facts About Benji...
1. What is your Middle Name?
2. Favorite Band of all Time?
Mint Condition
3. What is your dream concert to go to?
Bruno Mars, have yet to go, sadly
4. Favorite movie of all time?
Too many to name, but I have to say Avengers: End Game
5. My favorite Michael Jackson song?
Liberian Girl, and This Place Hotel
6. I'm most afraid of...?
BIG spiders
7. The celebrity I look like the most is...?
People say I look like Manny Pacquiao! LOL
8. Best Groove Nation moment, so far?
Playing at Seattle Center's NYE 2012 celebration, over 2000 people in attendance
9. Earliest memory of me playing an instrument?
At 9 years old, playing (trying to at least), play the song You're My Everything by Santa Esmeralda, as my brother Angelo was playing it and singing it.
10 I like to eat...?
Thai food
11. What people don't know about me, is...?
I love to watch animes, and kdrama lol! Also a big fan of Black Pink!
13. Most embarrasing moment on stage ever?
I was getting ready to start a song on the Tulalip stage, and right on the first downbeat, I FELL of my drum throne backwards!! no joke!
14. Favorite vacay spot? Playa del Carmen, so far
15. Favorite beverage... Patron Tequila!